Saying bye so 2020 won’t be a sad one but hopefully that means 2021 will be brighter than last year. So, why not celebrate the start of 2021 with some positive aims, resolutions and high hopes for the new year. Here are our top suggestions for 2021 New Year’s resolutions.

Shop more locally

Making small changes by shopping more locally makes a big difference to small businesses. 2020 has been the year where supporting your local community has been more important than ever. Shopping locally also helps grow the local economy and helps keep the planet greener too!

Learn a new skill

‘Knowledge is power’ as the saying goes…If you want to improve your mindset, then learning a new skill is a great way to stimulate your brain and make it stronger. Challenging yourself is essential in training your brain to help you learn things faster overtime. This in time will improve your self confidence and make you happier. It could be something you’ve never tried like learning a musical instrument, taking up a new craft or learning a new language. There’s plenty of options available, you could either teach yourself something using tutorials online or find yourself an online tutor to learn from an expert!. Or, to make it more social iy mighty be nice to  join a local class.

Find your community

Hobbies will be even more fun when you find people who share similar interests as you. You could join a local club or even a group online where you share similar passions.

Get more fit

With the new year comes the opportunity for a fresh start, and exercising more and getting fit are no exception. The new year is a great time to commit to a healthier lifestyle. This doesn’t mean committing yourself to time in a crowded gym. There are lots of ways to do more exercise.  It could be getting outside more with some jogging or bike rides, joining an outdoor bootcamp club or starting a yoga class.

Looking for a professional to help you get fit?

Start a side hustle

Are you fed up with only working for other people? Why not start your own business! It doesn’t have to be big. It’s incredibly easy to start your own online business with many  e-commerce online platforms such as Etsy and Friday-Ad. Are you crafty? Maybe you could sell your handcrafted goods online? Perhaps you’re skilled in a certain area? You could offer tuition online! Doing something like this on the side or even for a living will give you a real sense of achievement and be a great extra income too.

Consider Therapy

This year has been a stressful one for all of us. Focusing on your mental health shouldn’t be something to put to the back of your list. Talking to friends and family is a great way to get anything off your chest, but why not consider professional therapy? This can be something you could do in your own time such as using a mindfulness app such as ‘Headspace’. OR perhaps you could  talk to a professional online or take a meditation course.

Looking for a therapy service?