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Second Hand September

Second Hand September

As the summer draws to a close, we gradually start to spend more and more time indoors which leads us to realise that our furniture has seen better days. Rather than doing the odd touch-up, perhaps it's time to flick the heating on, and to decorate so everything is...

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How to make your listing stand out

How to make your listing stand out

Spending a little bit of extra time on your classified ad can make all the difference as to how much you manage to sell your item for. You’ll want to take extra care over the elements that will feature on category pages as this is where your item will appear directly...

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Sites like Etsy in the UK

Sites like Etsy in the UK

If you’re looking to start selling your handmade items, chances are the first place you’ll think to investigate is Etsy. However, there are many alternative marketplaces springing up online and some of them are well worth considering. Many sellers choose to list their...

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Top ten collectors items

Top ten collectors items

People collect all sorts of things from expensive art to second hand junk. The next time you go to throw something away, whatever it is, it's worth remembering that there might be someone out there who is collecting it. Owning a substantial collection of anything can...

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Fender bass guitar guide

Fender bass guitar guide

Fender practically invented electric bass guitars in the 1950s. These iconic instruments were the first to gain widespread recognition and it could be argued that the formula for a good bass guitar has remained pretty much unchanged for 60 years. Many musicians use a...

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Cashing in at car boots: 10 things you must do

Cashing in at car boots: 10 things you must do

Car boot sales are an excellent way to sell off items you no longer use and make money at the same time. Additionally you have the advantage of being face-to-face with the buyer, which allows you to use your sales skills and natural charm to sell items and agree on a...

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Christmas on a Budget | Presents

Christmas on a Budget | Presents

Christmas is fast approaching and that means you'll have to start thinking about what to get the little ones. However, it's never as simple as that is it? They always want the latest gadget or toy and you are forced to pay over the odds for something that might only...

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