We are well into October and this means that you are going to have to start to think about this year’s Halloween fancy dress costume. Whether it’s fancy dress for the kids or for yourself, hunting for a costume can be difficult. Now, there are two types of people in this world, people who loves fancy dress and go all out with every costume, and there’s those who well… don’t. If you’re someone who jumps at every fancy dress opportunity then Halloween must be up there with one of your favourite times of the year. At Friday-Ad, we love getting into the Halloween spirit and believe that if you’re going to dress up there are a number of things that you need to consider before putting your costume together. So, to help you before your big Halloween night out, we have created our very own Do’s & Don’ts of Halloween Fancy Dress. Take a look!
The Do’s
DO make your own props – Halloween is all about getting creative and having fun with your costumes, and there’s no better way to do that than to make your own props. You can also extend this to making your entire outfit, this way you can do your outfit on a budget and you’ll know no-one else will dress the same as you!
DO use charity shops and Friday-Ad – This is echoed by the previous point, if you’re looking to design and create your own Halloween fancy dress costume the best places to start are your local charity shops and of course Friday-Ad. You’ll be able to find all the materials and old clothes that can make up your spooktacular costume. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t find yourself an already finished costume for a knockdown price. Be sure to take a look at before you go ahead and spend too much on a Halloween fancy dress costume, that will get worn once, and never seen again.
DO use fake blood – Now, obviously we don’t insinuate that anyone will use real blood instead of shop bought fake blood. We are actually suggesting this as a means of enhancing your outfits look. Halloween fancy dress and fake blood go hand in hand, and so we’d assume you have already got this one covered.
DO make an effort – If you’re the sort of person that enjoy’s Halloween and dressing up, in general, then this doesn’t apply to you. However, if you aren’t into dressing up or you don’t make much effort then – if only for this year – make an extra special effort and see how much fun you have. If you get into the spirit of Halloween you are far more likely to enjoy yourself.
DO be scary – It’s Halloween. The whole idea is that you are supposed to be scary. If you aren’t scary you aren’t really getting the real idea of Halloween. You can dress up as a lifeguard or fairy any other time of year.
The Don’ts
DON’T use real paint instead of face paint – Obviously this won’t apply to a lot of you, as most of you realise that this would not be the cleverest thing to do. However, you’ll be surprised by how many people think that it’s okay to cover yourself in a tin of Dulux and go out for the night.
DON’T leave contacts in – It has become popular in recent years, to buy coloured contact lenses to add to your Halloween fancy dress outfit. Whether you go for the red coloured vampire look or the white-eyed zombie effect, we think these contacts are brilliant! But be careful, too many people – after a few too many drinks – go to bed with their contacts still in. This is dangerous because the contact lens can end up going behind your eye (gruesome we know) and can ultimately cause damage to your sight. However, don’t let this put you off, so long as you’re switched on, contacts can give your outfit the spookiness necessary to scare passers-by.
DON’T just cut up a white t-shirt – This refers back to making an effort when coming up with your costume ideas, as a lot of people think that cutting up a white t-shirt and slapping on some fake blood is enough to constitute fancy dress. It’s not. You just look like you’ve had a nasty fall. Now there’s nothing wrong with cutting up a white t-shirt as part of your outfit, but just make an effort with the rest of your ensemble, and definitely use face paint!
DON’T leave it to the last minute – Undoubtedly there are going to be times when you are simply too busy to be thinking about what you’re going to wear on Halloween. But if you can avoid it, then it will stop you from running around last minute to get an outfit together. Note: leaving it last minute will usually result in you becoming part of the cut up white shirt crew.
DON’T use a mask – This is almost as criminal as just cutting up a white t-shirt. The mask is usually something cheap from a supermarket, that you will end up not wearing when it comes to the end of the night. However, again, if the fancy dress mask is super scary and isn’t just a last minute purchase, then you can be excused.
So if you want to make sure you’re Hallowinning this Halloween, be sure to follow this list of rules and you’ll be all set for a spooktacular time!
That concludes our Do’s & Don’ts of Halloween fancy dress. What did you think? Have we missed anything out? If you think we have, then let us know and connect with us via our Facebook & Twitter pages.
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