email marketing for dealers

Here at Friday-Ad Motors, we are working hard to help our dealers learn as much as they can about online marketing. We have written a number of guides and advice articles to help car dealers make the most of the tools available to them. Today’s guide is all about how valuable email marketing can be!

Pretty much everyone in this country of ours has an email account, and since email was invented, people have been utilising it as a means of marketing. It is an extremely powerful channel that you can use to market your business directly to your target audience.

95% of online consumers have an email address – according to Exact Target – and of these, 91% of them check their inbox daily. This means that businesses should be doing all they can to get into the inboxes of their target audience. Marketing using social media and other mediums is vital and very important, however, when carrying out email marketing you don’t have to compete with anything else like photos, or videos or friends and family. You simply target the right people, with the right message and bingo, you are interacting directly with a possible new customer.

So, here are 10 reasons why you should consider carrying out some email marketing for your brand!

reach out

When marketing your brand to an audience, one of the most frustrating things is not being able to know how many people you have reached with your message. When advertising on Facebook or other social media platforms, you can never tell 100 % how many of the people who have ‘liked’ your page have seen your post. But with email marketing, you know exactly how many inboxes you have sent your message to. It’s then much more easy to measure how successful your marketing campaign has been.

Now, we aren’t saying that marketing emails are opened by everyone, but you do know that almost every email you send will be interacted with in some way – even if it is simply being deleted. Our marketing emails here at Friday-Ad Motors are, on average, opened by 13% of the people who receive them. Now, this may not seem that high, but when we are emailing over 1.2 million people every four months, that is a pretty large number of people who are interacting with our brand.

low cost

We all know that one of the biggest restrictions on most online marketing strategies is the budget. We would all love to have the same budgets that McDonalds and Coca Cola have at their disposal, but unfortunately we don’t. Which is why it is great that email marketing is a relatively cheap and effective means of reaching out to potential buyers.

You can purchase an email with Friday-Ad Motors, to all of our users in your local area from as little as £200. That means you can reach thousands and thousands of our engaged users and send them your own bespoke message linking through to your own website or whatever page you wish.

If you are interested in buying an email with Friday-Ad Motors, then leave your details in the form at the bottom of this page and one of our friendly sales team will get in touch!

easy to measure

Social media is a fantastic means of marketing your business to your target audience. But there is a large scale debate going on about how accurately you are able to measure return on investment when it comes to marketing on social channels. This is where email marketing comes into its own.

Once you have sent an email out to a large number of email addresses you are able to see exactly how many people opened your email, clicked on your email and unsubscribed. You can also see where they clicked and measure all of these responses and more. If you do purchase an email with Friday-Ad Motors, not only will be able to say how many people we will send it to, but we can then go on to tell you how many of those opened your email and how many went on to click and engage with your brand. Measuring these results couldn’t be easier.

track engagement

Again, compared with social media advertising and advertising in print, email marketing makes it far easier to see how many people are engaging with your message. Your email can feature a number of different ‘calls to action’, which can all be tracked.

These ‘calls to action’ are essentially buttons or links which people can click on to be taken to different parts of your website. By tracking these links, we are able to see which parts of your email are being clicked on the most, allowing you to improve your marketing messages going forward across a wide array of mediums.

specific location

When we browse our inbox to see what emails we have received, we are often expecting to come across an email that will lead us on a journey to another part of the world wide web. We see a marketing email, click on a link and end up somewhere else, hopefully browsing a service that we wish to use.

The fact that you are able to use a link in an email to send potential customers to a specific page on your website in just one click, is something that shouldn’t be underestimated. This comes in extremely handy when you have a special offer or discount available, or any other time-sensitive promotions which benefit your customers. Send an email with a cracking offer and you will get a great response.

bespoke design

When it comes to your own emails, there are very few rules in place. You are able to design the email exactly as you wish. This means that you can include your own calls to action, which will link through to wherever you wish. And, you are able to include whatever branding you wish, to ensure that your business stays in the memory of all of the potential customers who open your email.

Here at Friday-Ad Motors, we have an expert email design team that are flexible and able to create whichever designs you want. Pushing a service, advertising a discount or simply spreading the word about your business is now easier than ever. Whatever you want the message to be, a bespoke designed email allows you to be in control.

targeted campaigns

As people browse the web, they are constantly bombarded with marketing messages. This means that people have built up a natural way of ignoring a lot of messaging. Sometimes, this is a good thing, as not everyone needs everything that is being advertised on the internet. However, there are thousands of people out there who do require the services that you offer and if you don’t target them in the right manner, they may not know that you exist.

A highly targeted, well designed, personalised email that speaks to the wants and needs of existing and potential customers is much more likely to yield the best results. Here at Friday-Ad Motors we have a huge engaged database of car owners that we can target with the right messages. If you were to purchase a solus email with us then you would be able to send it to all of those engaged users who fall in your area. There is no better way to reach out to your target audience.

marketing on the go

According to Venture Beat, 65% of all emails are opened on smartphones first. This means that potential customers can open your marketing emails wherever they are when out and about on the go. All of the emails that we design and code here at Friday-Ad Motors is optimised for mobiles and tablets, which means they look great on mobile phones, ipads and all other devices.

If your potential customers are not at their computer when you post something to social media, then you may miss out on them. However, if their phone buzzes in their pocket with an email from your business, then they can open and read it then and their, or bookmark it for later on. Your message will literally be in the palm of their hand, meaning you will not be missing out on any potential engagement.


As we mentioned above, more people are opening their emails on mobile devices. However, those that do not do so, will still not fall through the cracks. That is the beauty of email marketing, if they are not able to view your email right away, they will come across it eventually. Your email will sit in their inbox indefinitely, until they either read it or delete it.

Because an email is engaged with at the convenience of the receiver, it is therefore far more likely to make both an initial and recurring impact. Some form of engagement is expected and it is unlikely that your message will be missed.

three dimensional

All of your channels are used to essentially do the same thing. Whilst social media has a lot of hype surrounding it compared with email marketing, they are essentially being utilised by marketers in a similar manner. Facebook, for example, is a tool that is being used by marketers to suggest products and services to people online. Email marketing is extremely similar, however, when you are emailing someone in the Friday-Ad Motors engaged database, you are contacting someone who has specifically agreed to receive messages from third-party advertisers.

Basically, the best way to market your brand to your target audience is to do so using as many different channels as possible. They all work well together and it is vitally important that you use email marketing to spearhead your campaign. It is the most direct and effective method of generating revenue and raising brand awareness to a list of highly targeted potential customers.

If you want to set up an email marketing campaign then you should seriously consider utilising the Friday-Ad Motors email database. Our large list of highly engaged car owners have already said ‘yes’ to our brand by signing up to receive our email updates. By emailing our database you are able to speak directly to thousands of potential customers and tell them all about what you have to offer.

If you are interested in purchasing a marketing email to our Friday-Ad Motors database, then fill in the form below, and our friendly sales team will get in touch with you!

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Pompoko Brighton Review

Pompoko Brighton Review

Pompoko Brighton Welcome to the Friday-Ad restaurant review series! If there's a restaurant, pub or café you want us to review, let us know in the comments. Today, we’re featuring one of our absolute favourite places to eat; the Japanese restaurant, Pompoko Brighton....

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