The coronavirus pandemic has completely changed the way we live. Social distancing rules mean that for those shops that are still open, keeping customers and staff safe is the top priority. There are many ways that you can keep your customers safe as they visit your store to buy essential items. Although it will slow things down, the main priority is everyone’s safety by preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Limit the number of people in your shop

The easiest way to reduce the spread of germs is to limit the number of people allowed in your store at any one time. The fewer people around means the more distance people can keep from each other, and therefore reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus. This number is dependent on the size of your establishment, but a rough estimate would be from 2 – 5. This method can cause queues to build up outside of your establishment, but using queue control systems can help to guide those waiting outside. 

Introduce a one-way system

Another option to keep customers safe is to introduce a one-way system in your store. Funnelling customers in one direction through your shop will eliminate the possibility of people trying to squeeze past each other, and also makes it much easier to monitor how many people are in your store at once. This is much safer and also can reduce the risk of arguments or conflicts between customers regarding personal space. You can use arrow stickers for the floor to indicate which direction customers should go in, or even signage around your store at eye level.

Use distance markers

A good way to enforce social distancing rules would be to use distance markers to let customers know how much 2 meters is. This encourages customers to adhere to social distancing rules, and will protect customers and staff alike. This can also give customers peace of mind, as they know that if there are other members of the public near them, that they are at a safe distance still. There are many ways to do this, the easiest and most accessible way would be using tape to mark out 2-meter sections throughout your store. When customers enter the store, they should be advised that one person should be in one section at any one time.

Utilise signage to remind customers of rules

No one is perfect, and sometimes customers can forget social distancing rules. Using signs around your store can be a great way to reinforce your coronavirus store policies, and keep customers mindful of their actions, and how they affect others. No entry signs can aid in enforcing a one-way system around your store, and social distancing signs can remind customers as they move around your store to keep their distance from others. 

Looking for signage for your store? Check out our range of social distancing print material for your shop. Prices from just £10

These tips are just a few of many great ways to enforce social distancing rules and keep people aware of the dangers of the coronavirus. They will help to keep both customers and key workers safe as we do our shopping.

Are you not able to physically open your shop?

If you’re unable to physically open your store at this time, have you considered setting up a shop online? On Friday-Ad it’s free to set up an online shop. Create an enjoyable shopping experience for your customers as they easily navigate between your ads. 

Find out more about setting up an online shop on Friday-Ad

Article by Sarah Lawson  

Sarah Lawson works on behalf of Barriers Direct in outreach and content creation. She creates engaging content that helps businesses connect with their audience and stand out from the crowd.