It’s the middle of January. The fond memories of Christmas are now distant and you’re back into the full swing of work. It’s getting even colder and it’s going to be a good few months until you can bust out your shorts and sunnies. Getting out of bed and up for the miserable morning commute has never been harder. January sucks… or does it? Read our top tips on how to beat those mid-January blues!

  1. Join a gym or if you already have, mix up your workout to make it fun! If you cannot afford a gym membership then workout from home.

Exercise releases the happy hormone serotonin so no matter what type of exercise you are doing it will make you feel better about yourself! How many of you reading this said “My new year’s resolution is to get fit and healthy”? Well, if you haven’t already, it’s time to adhere to that promise!

If you haven’t already joined a gym then join one now. There are plenty in and around Bristol to suit your needs. If you want something that is cheap yet well equipped then The Gym in Cabot Circus is definitely for you. Or if you enjoy your luxury then Nuffield Health on Queens Road will have everything that you could ever want. Still not convinced? Well a quick Google search reveals that you are spoilt for choice when choosing a place to get your sweat on.

Not a fan of the gym? No problem, we have you covered. If you own a smartphone with iOS or Android then there are hundreds of apps that will give you a good word out… even if you don’t own any equipment. Try Freeletics, for example. Or if you fancy setting up your home gym then you can find plenty of cheap sports equipment here on Friday Ad. The point is that in the age of the digital, exercising has never been easier.

So you’ve decided where you’re going to workout but now what? Well this workout routine for beginners takes 4 weeks and has proven to show great results. Or if you are bored of your current workout plan then mix it up. Try running instead of lifting weights. Lift weights  instead of running. Try a yoga class. Pilates is always fun. Whatever you decide to do, keep it varied so you don’t get bored and demotivate yourself! Plus, there are loads of fitness class listings on Friday Ad, so why not head over there now and see what takes your fancy?

To sum up, if you exercised a couple of times a week over the next couple of weeks you will feel a lot better about yourself and you might even lose that extra bit of weight the Christmas turkey so kindly gave you!

“Can Friday Ad help me with my fitness?”

Yes, we certainly can! We have a lot of fitness related items listed on our website and just because they are second hand, it doesn’t mean that the quality is bad! The equipment you use in a gym is used all day, everyday, and by a lot of different people – in fact, second hand gym equipment from a private seller is likely to have seen less use than your standard gym equipment!

Click here to find the gym equipment we have on sale – from treadmills, to dumbbells to weight machines!

Click here to see what gym classes and training we have on offer – from yoga to 1-on-1 personal training.

  1. Plan a holiday, trip, event, or anything – it will give you something to look forward to!

On the build up to Christmas you had so much to look forward to – giving and opening presents, seeing family and friends, precious time off work, enjoying a few too many beers, and so forth. What do you have now? Months and months of work until summer comes along. Months and months of nothing. It doesn’t have to be like that… honest! If you set your sights on planning a trip now – no matter how far away the trip might be – the months leading up to it will fly by.

Now, we understand that you might be skint after Christmas, but not all trips have to be expensive. There are loads of cheap holiday options over on Friday Ad. And there are always last minute options going for next to nothing over on the aptly titled Whatever you’re looking for you’re bound to find it, whether it’s soaking up the sun in Barcelona or hitting up the slopes in Switzerland. Plus, if you’re planning on going on a beach holiday we’re pretty sure you’ll want the body to match, which ties in nicely with point number one: plan your holiday, get fit and then reap the rewards. January will be gone before you know it.

If you really can’t go away for a few days then don’t worry, not all hope is lost! Plan an event instead… buy tickets for a gig, see your favourite theatre show, join a cause, heck… even plan the cinema for next week! You could also check out the events page on Friday Ad. No matter how big or small it is, having something to look forward to will make those miserable January days fly by.

“Can Friday Ad help me find an event or holiday?”

Yes we can! Our sellers are always listing events and holidays at home and abroad. From intimate gigs to holiday homes, we have it all on Friday Ad!

Click here to see what travel options are currently on offer.

Click here to see What’s On in your local area

  1. Be sociable: join an interest or activity group, or even try something new – it will keep you occupied.

A lot of us get into the habit of coming home from work and spending the rest of our spare time in front of a computer or television screen. This is absolutely fine… in moderation! Too much time doing this will result in lethargy and even loneliness! No matter how intrusive the age of the digital is becoming in our everyday lives, it is always better to communicate in person than through a screen… so go outside and do something!

Set one day a week where you partake in an unusual activity (and when we say unusual it doesn’t have to be something completely out of the box, just something you might not normally do!). Join an interest club. Interested in poetry? Bristol has you covered. Ever imagined yourself as an actor? Here you go. We also have a tonne of listings on Friday Ad… from a dub club, to a singles party night and even a peace zone meetup! And what about going to a gym? Exercising can be a social event too – a great way to meet new and likeminded people, especially if you go to a specified gym class such as yoga, pilates and circuits.

The point we’re making is… simply get out of the house (going to work doesn’t count) and try, try, try. You might find something new and unexpected that you are passionate about. Heck, you might even be extremely talented at something you never even considered trying before. So go ahead and take those guitar lessons, join a choir or even start boxing! Buy a bike and go wherever the wind takes you. You never know how much you might like or dislike something until you actually do it yourself.

And after all that trying, January will be over, summer will be closer, and you will find that you are a far more happier, rounded and sociable human being.

“Can Friday Ad help me be more sociable!”

Of course we can! We have loads of things on our site that will help you get out and about.

Click here to see our leisure section.

Click here to buy tickets for an event.

Click here to join a club, society or team.

So what do YOU think? Have these tips helped you beat those mid-January blues? Or have you got some tips of your own? Tell us in the comments section below!


Pompoko Brighton Review

Pompoko Brighton Review

Pompoko Brighton Welcome to the Friday-Ad restaurant review series! If there's a restaurant, pub or café you want us to review, let us know in the comments. Today, we’re featuring one of our absolute favourite places to eat; the Japanese restaurant, Pompoko Brighton....

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